It is important to to start at the beginning.

You will need create a number of places where you can test and implement your software.

The most common environments in software development are:

  • Development environment: This is the environment where developers write and test code. It is typically a local environment on the developer’s machine.
  • Testing environment: This is the environment where the software is tested for functionality and performance. It is typically a separate environment from the development environment.
  • Staging environment: This is a pre-production environment that is used to test the software before it is deployed to production. It is typically a mirror of the production environment.
  • Production environment: This is the environment where the software is deployed to be used by end users.

Each of these environments serves a different purpose:

  • The development environment is used by developers to write and test code. It is typically a local environment on the developer’s machine. This environment is typically not very similar to the production environment, as it is not necessary for developers to have access to all of the same resources that are available in production.
  • The testing environment is used to test the software for functionality and performance. It is typically a separate environment from the development environment. This environment is typically more similar to the production environment than the development environment, as it is important for testers to be able to test the software in a realistic environment.
  • The staging environment is a pre-production environment that is used to test the software before it is deployed to production. It is typically a mirror of the production environment. This environment allows developers to test the software in a production-like environment without actually deploying it to production.
  • The production environment is the environment where the software is deployed to be used by end users. This environment is typically the most important environment, as it is the environment that users will interact with.

Having a number of different environments allows developers to work on different aspects of the software in a controlled and isolated manner. This helps to ensure that the software is of high quality and that it is not released to production with any major bugs.

Here are some additional benefits of having multiple environments in software development:

  • Increased productivity: Developers can work on different aspects of the software simultaneously, without having to worry about affecting each other’s work.
  • Improved quality: The software can be tested in a variety of environments, which helps to identify and fix bugs early in the development process.
  • Reduced risk: The software is less likely to be released with major bugs if it is tested in multiple environments before being deployed to production.

Overall, having a number of different environments in software development is essential for ensuring the quality and reliability of the software. It also helps to increase productivity and reduce risk.

Step 1 build server/environements

Making sure the environments are identical as possible